Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Having an attitude causes a person to give themselves a bad name. It can also cause a person to either make friends or not have any at all. I try my best to have a positive attitude at all times whether at work or school. I have been very successful at maintaining a positive attitude. I will try my best to keep it up.

Obama Speech in Selma Youtube Video

I have supported President Obama since the day he won the election. He's tried so hard to get the economy and keep things in tact. I had no clue that he was in Selma until I seen and heard everyone talking about him journeying there. I pray that with the help of God he will continue to lead this nation in the proper way. https://youtu.be/7SoG4KZOvRc

Sunday, April 5, 2015

WE#6- Communication

Communication to me means having a way to get in touch with others. Communication plays an important part in my life on a daily basis. I work with mentally ill people and I try my best to have great communication skills in order for me to figure out their wants and needs. This helps me perform my job very well. However, I do need to communicate more often with some of my family members that are in different states. I don't communicate much with them because I have misplaced their numbers. I know that frequent communication with them will help build our bond, and allow us to communicate efficiently and effectively.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Social Media Lawsuit

In the passage I read about many situations in which dealt with social media lawsuits. It was one that caught my eye that dealt with a Sam's Club supervisor and employees. A certain group of employees had called in to work, and I gave false accusation as to why they couldn't make it to work that day. The supervisor found out the real reason that they didn't make it. They seemed to be on Facebook posting pictures of them at a Fourth of July party. The supervisor began to post comments under the pictures going against Sam's policy so it appeared as if the supervisor was in the wrong. The supervisor should've conducted a face to face meeting. The individuals shouldn't have posted anything on Facebook to avoid the situation. Facebook tells it all:) URL to passage:http://isthatlegal.jdsupra.com/post/64983781426/5-lawsuits-at-the-collision-of-social-media-and

Thursday, March 26, 2015

WE#4- Teamwork

Teamwork is very important in order to get a completed task done. Teamwork is often a very hard task for some people. Most times at school or work you may be asked to work with a group of people. If you are always a person who is slacking on completing things often then you may not be a great person to be apart of a team. I love working in a team because I enjoy talking with others, and getting to know new people.


Please view my Voki and leave a comment. Thanks, Linda

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Work Ethic #3- Respect

Respect to me plays an important role in a person's life on a daily basis. Most people should know how to give respect as well as receive respect. I always try my best to be very respectful, and always consider another person's feelings. Respect is a valuable asset to any person whether they are young or old.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Project 4.5.1

What is a file extension? Should file extensions be displayed?
A file extension is the part of a file that identifies the program that is to launch when the file is double-clicked. It is commonly a set of 3 or 4 characters following a period at the end of the file name. File extensions don't have to be displayed for them to work. There is even a process that you can use to show or hide file extensions.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

WE #2- Attendance

Attendance is very important when it comes to either going to work or school. I always try my best to keep this in mind when I am trying to work or go to school. I have always been very determined to reach my goals. I can improve in this area by simply trying to have good attendance. I will not say that I have perfect attendance because I am human, and I never know what the next day could bring.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

WE#1- Character

When I think of the word character I think of someone that is in a story or a play. If a person is in a story or a play many times they might play more than one role. By the end of the story or play a person has gathered evidence of whether the person is a good character or bad character. Just like a story or a play humans can be thought of as a good person or bad person. My character should say that I am a loving person with a great heart. I am always willing to lend a helping hand. I can improve in this area by simply helping more people whenever and however I can.

(Label: Post #1 Introduction)

Hi loves! My name is Linda Edwards. I am currently working a full time job while trying to attain my degree in Medical Technology. My family is my world. I have two beautiful children. Rommie Lee Edwards whose attending Valdosta State University as a sophomore in college, and Victoria Edwards, whose about to get married in May. My husband and I are a great team. We've raised some respectful children. I pray that this will be a great semester for myself and you guys as well!!